メンバー Member
教授 (P.I.) |
藪内 直明
Naoaki Yabuuchi |
Assistant Professor |
宇賀田 洋介
Yosuke Ugata
Research Assistant Professor |
井上 克彦
Katsuhiko Inoue |
Research Assistant Professor |
Zhang Xinrui |
Research Assistant Professor |
Zafar Saad
秘書 |
1名 |
博士2年 |
1名 (留学生) |
博士1年 |
1名 |
特別研究学生 |
3名 (留学生) |
修士2年 |
4名 |
修士1年 |
5名 |
学部4年 |
4名 |
2024年度卒業式 Mar, 2024@YNU 常盤台キャンパス
研究室代表 (P.I.)
教授 藪内 直明
Web of Science
Naoaki Yabuuchi
工学研究院 機能の創生部門
240-8501 横浜市保土ケ谷区常盤台79-5
Department of Chemistry and Life Science
Yokohama National University
79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, 240-8501, Japan
E-mail: yabuuchi-naoaki-pw (at) ynu.ac.jp
2001年 神戸市立工業高等専門学校 応用化学専攻科 卒業
2006年 大阪市立大学大学院工学研究科 応用化学専攻 後期博士課程 修了 博士(工学)
2006-2008年 米国マサチューセッツ工科大学 機械工学科 博士研究員
2010-2012年 東京理科大学 総合研究機構 助教
2012-2014年 東京理科大学 総合研究機構 講師
2014-2018年 東京電機大学 工学部 環境化学科 准教授
2018年4月より現職 横浜国立大学 大学院工学研究院 機能の創生部門 教授
代表論文 (Selected Publications)
Itsuki Konuma, Naohiro Ikeda, Benoît D.L. Campéon, Hinata Fujimura, Jun
Kikkawa, Huu Duc Luong, Yoshitaka Tateyama, Yosuke Ugata, Masao Yonemura,
Toru Ishigaki, Taira Aida, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“Unified Understanding and Mitigation of Detrimental Phase Transition in
Cobalt-free LiNiO
Energy Storage Materials,
66, 103200 (2024).
DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103200
Itsuki Konuma, Damian Goonetilleke, Neeraj Sharma, Takuhiro Miyuki, Satoshi
Hiroi, Koji Ohara, Yukio Yamakawa, Yusuke Morino, Hongahally Basappa Rajendra,
Toru Ishigaki, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“A Near Dimensionally Invariable High-capacity Positive Electrode Material”
Nature Materials,
22, 225–234 (2023).
DOI: 10.1038/s41563-022-01421-z
Asuka Kanno, Yosuke Ugata, Issei Ikeuchi, Mitsuhiro Hibino, Kensuke Nakura,
Yuka Miyaoka, Izuru Kawamura, Daisuke Shibata, Toshiaki Ohta, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“Durable Manganese-Based Li-Excess Electrode Material without Voltage Decay:
Metastable and Nanosized Li
ACS Energy Letters,
8, 2753−2761 (2023).
DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.3c00372
・Ryutaro Fukuma, Maho Harada, Wenwen Zhao, Miho Sawamura, Yusuke Noda,
4, Masanobu Nakayama, Masato Goto, Daisuke Kan, Yuichi Shimakawa, Masao
Yonemura, Naohiro Ikeda, Ryuta Watanuki, Henrik L. Andersen, Anita M. D’Angelo,
Neeraj Sharma, Jiwon Park, Hye Ryung Byon, Sayuri Fukuyama, Zhenji Han,
Hitoshi Fukumitsu, Martin Schulz-Dobrick, Keisuke Yamanaka, Hirona Yamagishi,
Toshiaki Ohta, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“Unexpectedly Large Contribution of Oxygen on Charge Compensation Triggered
by Structural Disordering: Detailed Experimental and Theoretical Study
on Li
4-NiO Binary System”
ACS Central Science, 8, 775–794 (2022).
・Miho Sawamura, Sho Kobayakawa, Jun Kikkawa, Neeraj Sharma, Damian Goonetilleke,
Aditya Rawal, Nanaka Shimada, Kentaro Yamamoto, Rina Yamamoto, Yingying
Zhou, Yoshiharu Uchimoto, Koji Nakanishi, Kei Mitsuhara, Koji Ohara, Jiwon
Park, Hye Ryung Byon, Hiroaki Koga, Masaki Okoshi, Toshiaki Ohta, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“Nanostructured LiMnO
2 with Li
4 Integrated at the Atomic Scale for High-Energy Electrode Materials with Reversible Anionic Redox”
ACS Central Science,
6, 2326–2338 (2020).
DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c01200
・Yuki Kobayashi, Miho Sawamura, Sayaka Kondo, Maho Harada, Yusuke Noda,
Masanobu Nakayama, Sho Kobayakawa, Wenwen Zhao, Aiko Nakao, Akira Yasui,
Hongahally Basappa Rajendra, Keisuke Yamanaka, Toshiaki Ohta, and
Naoaki Yabuuchi
“Activation and Stabilization Mechanisms of Anionic Redox for Li Storage
Applications: Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study on Li
2 Binary System”
Materials Today,
37, 43-55 (2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2020.03.002
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Masanobu Nakayama, Mitsue Takeuchi, Shinichi Komaba, Yu Hashimoto, Takahiro
Mukai, Hiromasa Shiiba, Kei Sato, Yuki Kobayashi, Aiko Nakao, Masao Yonemura,
Keisuke Yamanaka, Kei Mitsuhara, and Toshiaki Ohta
"Origin of stabilization and destabilization in solid-state redox
reaction of oxide ions for lithium-ion batteries"
Nature Communications,
7, 13814 (2016).
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13814
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Mitsue Takeuchi, Masanobu Nakayama, Hiromasa Shiiba, Masahiro Ogawa,
Keisuke Nakayama, Toshiaki Ohta, Daisuke Endo, Tetsuya Ozaki, Tokuo Inamasu,
Kei Sato, and Shinichi Komaba
"High-capacity electrode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries:
4-based system with cation-disordered rocksalt structures"
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
112, pp 7650–7655 (2015).
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Kei Kubota, Mouad Dahbi, and Shinichi Komaba
"Research Development on Sodium-Ion Batteries"
Chemical Reviews,
114, pp 11636–11682 (2014).
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Ryo Hara, Masataka Kajiyama, Kei Kubota, Toru Ishigaki, Akinori Hoshikawa,
and Shinichi Komaba
“New O2/P2-type Li-Excess Layered Manganese Oxides as Promising Multi-Functional Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Li/Na Batteries”
Advanced Energy Materials,
4, 1301453 (2014).
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Masataka Kajiyama, Junichi Iwatate, Heisuke Nishikawa, Shuji Hitomi, Ryoichi Okuyama, Ryo Usui, Yasuhiro Yamada, and Shinichi Komaba
“P2-Type Na
2 Made from Earth-Abundant Elements for Rechargeable Na Batteries”
Nature Materials,
11, 512-517 (2012).
Naoaki Yabuuchi, Kazuhiro Yoshii, Seung-Taek Myung, Izumi Nakai, and Shinichi Komaba
“Detailed Studies of a High-Capacity Electrode Material for Rechargeable
Batteries, Li
Journal of The American Chemical Society,
133, 4404–4419 (2011).
・Seung Woo Lee†,
Naoaki Yabuuchi†, Betar Gallant, Shuo Chen, Byeong-Su Kim, Paula T. Hammond, Yang Shao-Horn (†These authors contributed equally to this work)
“High-power lithium batteries from functionalized carbon-nanotube electrodes”
Nature Nanotechnology,
5, 531-537 (2010).
Naoaki Yabuuchi and Tsutomu Ohzuku
“Novel Lithium Insertion Material of LiCo
2 for Advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries”
Journal of Power Sources,
119-121, 171(2003).
受賞 (Awards)
・A fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (Jun. 7th, 2023)
・令和5年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門)
"先駆的インサーション材料開発と蓄電池への応用に関する研究" (Apr. 7th, 2023)
・Global Star Award from The American Ceramics Society, Engineering Ceramic
Division (Jan. 28th, 2019)
・The Periodic Table of Younger Chemists (Niobium) from The International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
(Dec. 20th, 2018)
・Selected in "Highly Cited Researchers 2018 List" (Clarivate
(Nov. 27th, 2018)
・平成29年度 電気化学会論文賞
“Synthesis and Electrode Performance of Li
2 Binary System as Positive Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries” (Mar. 26th, 2017)
・平成26年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞
“新規インサーション材料の探索と機能発現機構に関する研究” (Apr, 7th, 2014)
・ 平成25年度 電池技術委員会賞、電池技術委員会
“層状Na含有鉄・マンガン系酸化物の結晶構造と電気化学特性” (Oct. 18th, 2013)
・ ISE Prize for Applied Electrochemistry (International Society of Electrochemistry,
“Toward Development of High-Energy Li/Na Insertion Materials for Rechargeable
Batteries (Jul. 2nd, 2013)
・The 2nd ISSI Young Scientist Award (International Society for Solid State
Ionics, ISSI)
米国スタンフォード大学 Prof. William Chueh 氏と同時受賞
“Functional Insertion Materials for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries; Toward
Sustainable Energy Development” (Jun. 7th, 2013)
“機能性インサーション材料の探索とその固体電気化学反応に関する研究” (2013年3月30日)
“高エネルギー密度蓄電デバイス用新規鉄フッ化物電極材料の研究” (2012年12月13日)
・First international award, “Science Award Electrochemistry” by Volkswagen
and BASF
“Toward Development of Novel High-Capacity Sodium Insertion Materials”
(Oct. 22nd, 2012)
Editorial Activity
・Associate Editor;
Energy Storage Materials
・Associate Editor;
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
・Advisory Board;
Energy Advances
・Editorial Board;
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry